I said I wasn't going backwards, but I think I will do a summary for each year. Birth to one was written down, 1, 2 and 3 are a pleasant blur and 4 is happening now, so I will go back a little and piece together what I can remember and add a before and after photo from the collection of 10,000! I have been enjoying my other friends posts so much as their children reach those special milestones. Plus, now I am addicted to blogging and could use some more material - ha!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Alyssa - Age 4
Alyssa - Age 3
Alyssa was 37.75 (70%) inches tall and 29.5 lbs (50%) - yay! Thank you "milky" (strawberry Pediasure). We started 2007 off with a Care Bear Birthday at school in Ms. Cheryl's Class. Alyssa loves bubbles, puzzles, snocones, cupcakes, feeding ducks, and getting her face painted. Likes to help with gardening and watching her tomato plants grow. Takes a dance class at Ms. Trudy's and performs spontaneous tap shows for family. Loves swinging and teaches others at school to "pump." Enjoys playing with friends outside of school - Steven and Morgan. STILL loves her personal pool. Her favorite music is a Disney song collection and she performs "I just can't wait to be King" from the Lion King with great intensity! Attends many fun outside summer birthday parties and her first Whoop-te-do at the Lake House. Beach bum at Kiawah and Litchfield. Loves to go to "Splish Splash" with Dada on the weekends. Goes to see Sesame Street Live with Granny. Loves Winnie the Pooh, Lumpy and Roo. Drives the Boat with Mr. Billy. Goes to the Aquarium with Eya. Dresses up as Cinderella for Halloween. Goes to Ohio to meet cousin, Holt. Alyssa can write her own name. Visits Santa three times and only wants a "Bee Hive." Not so crazy about taking her "Bath Baths" likes to have special treats like Dinosaur eggs, color foam, Elmo tablets and aquarium toys. AND somewhere along the way she lost her baby face and became potty trained - FINALLY!
Alyssa - Age 2
Alyssa - Age 1
Alyssa - Age Birth to 12 Months
Well, here's our girl, Alyssa Grace Anderson, born on January 9, 2004 at 2:11 pm. Weighing in at 5 lbs 13 ozs and 19 inches long. Delivered by Dr. Michelle McCusker at Summerville Medical Center. Alyssa was such an easy baby. I think she came out on a schedule. She slept in her own bed through the night at six weeks. We tried to follow the Baby Wise system as close as possible and it seemed to work like a charm. Nicknames: Little Sack of Sugar, Little Gruntsy, Little Squeaker, Doodlebug, Boo Boo. First Road trip to Morganton at 2 months, smiling on cue - such a great smile! Travel to Great Grandma's in Georgia at 3 months and showed first sign of being "independent." Mrs. Tiffaney kept Alyssa three days a week while Momma worked part-time at MUSC. At 4 months she rolled over, discovered her feet and started solids with rice cereal. Favorite song is "If you're happy and you know it." Loves to "Ride the Horsey" with Eya. At five months started drinking from a sippy cup, chewing on toes, noticed Maggie May and Scooby and puts her hands on the faces of others. First food is sweet potatoes. Attended Uncle Brad's wedding. At six months started babbling - mama, baba, dada. Sits up mostly by herself, 1st tooth, slaps knees and bangs toys. Loves the Bumper Jumper and doing the "Lyssa Dance." Baptism at 7 months. Started crawling at 8 months. Favorite Book is Peek-a-boo Kisses, loves playing peek-a-boo. First "Lovey" is small Funshine bear. At nine months waves "Bye Bye" to Dada and Mrs. T. Does sign language "milk" sign and "more" sign for puffs. First word "meow" in response to "What does the kitty say?" Pulling up, high five, pattycake and little piggies. Does not liked to be confined - high chair, car seat, changing table or stroller. 10 months - picking her nose, words: Mama, Dada, ball, uh-oh, cruising, shows off her "pretty hair." Loves the walker, touching her fingers, pointing and has a mouth full of teeth. Momma quits nursing (and writing things down) after 11 months - whew!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Ed Kilbourne in Concert
Last night we had the pleasure of seeing Ed Kilbourne in Concert. His performance was splendid as always and since the last time we saw him, he has done "A World of Good," a new album.
His beautiful wife, Kathleen, was my Youth Minister and also married Drew and I, so it was wonderful to see her and catch up.
We think they are going to be incredible Grandparents later this Summer.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Drew's Work Picnic
Especially Ashley - the cutest 1 year old around!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Our Girl's Growing
Bamboo Season
How many Bamboo stalks can you find in this picture?
It's Miller Time!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Dance Class Photos
Oh, such a day of nerves for Momma, but Alyssa was so great and had such patience for her very first experience of Dance Class Pictures. Picture day is always more fun when shared with a friend, especially a BEST friend like Piper. Alyssa and Piper have been best friends since the Creeper Room, ages 16 months and 12 months, almost 3 years. A pretty impressive friendship for a couple of preschoolers!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Children by Kahlil Gibran
This is one of my very favorites - Eya keeps it on her fridge, I'm posting it here.
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, 'Speak to us of Children.' And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. Kahlil Gibran
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Last Week
I'm not going backwards, but I will talk about last week,
because it was so great!
Aunt Alison (AA) and Holt drove down to Morganton from Ohio.
Alyssa and I drove up to Mo'town to meet them.
Eya and Poppy had a great time with both of their daughters and grandbabies!
For these and a few more photos see album on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2098&l=271b2&id=1151618793
A few definitions . . .
Time for a few definitions:
The A Team - short for Anderson, first coined for use during Bridge Run training in 2001, when Kim and Drew fell in love, awwww! Current team members now include Alyssa, Maggie May, Scooby and Izzy.
Perdia - Kim's nickname which means "lost" in Spanish - also first coined for use in 2001 - what a year!
Our First Post
alyssa's typing - our very first post - hooray!
The Explanation: Alyssa is learning how to use the computer and typed our very first blog above. I tell her the letters and she types them. ONE at the time. Talk about slowing down your life! Alyssa learns to use the keyboard and Momma practices patience - a win-win for both of us but much harder on Momma!
So I guess the A Team is gonna try blogging now, so far it seems pretty easy. Heck, a four year old can do it!