Monday, March 30, 2009

Under the Big Top

We Love Charleston - nothing like seagulls at the Circus! Sunday afternoon we took Alyssa to her first circus. For a first circus, it was a really good experience (except for the port-a-johns, yuck!). We went to the Cole Brothers Circus, the World's Largest Circus Under the Big Top. Drew called it the "rake you over the coals circus," that's OK, Alyssa and I thoroughly enjoyed a snowcone, cotton candy, popcorn and a drink! Was there anything else to buy . . .

Oh yes, Drew and Alyssa with her butterfly light.

Alyssa taking her FIRST pony ride.

The high wire guys - a Guinness record breaker, or so they said :)

And every one's favorite - the elephants!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Morgan's 3rd Birthday

Sweet Miss Morgan celebrated her 3rd birthday today!

RAIN did not stop this Party or Jump Castle!

Our sweet girl giving hugs.

One BRAVE and happy family!

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dance Class Picture Day

Getting Ready - notice the rolling eyes!

Dolls on parade

Dolls in waiting - we can't wait to see the photos!

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baby Whitney

We FINALLY made it to Billy and Amy's to see Baby Whitney . . .

She's a good sleeper . . .

Alyssa loved her too!

I just loved that sweet baby girl - Can't wait to see you again, sweetheart, and watch you grow!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Loose Tooth

We finally have a FIRST - a First Loose Tooth. Alyssa is very excited about growing through this change (sniff! sniff!) and tells everyone she has contact with - "I have a loose tooth!" Apparently, the first ones that came in are the first to go and even though it seems like only yesterday we were so excited that she had teeth, the Tooth Fairy is looming around the corner! And sorry, Caroline, if you happen to read this - didn't mean to gross you out with the close up!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Our Little Leprechaun - when Alyssa was 2 and about to get in trouble her first noticeable distraction for her parents was to point at the decorations that had been taken down (and not put away) and say real fast "St.Patrick'sDay!" We thought it was so cute we still use it jokingly now. St. Patrick's Day will always hold a special place in our heart.

A Leprechaun Feast - Gotta have those Cheetos!

Alyssa's class posing for a few photos.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Soccer Girl!

Alyssa had her first Soccer practice yesterday - Wow, was it eye-opening! Coach Fleming is going to have her work cut out for her. Alyssa was such a good listener, she made us proud!

Stretching . . .

Always time for a thumbs up for her adoring fans!

Adoring fan and Soccer Dad

She looked like a real athlete carrying the ball - where did that come from?!?!? If you can see the white goals in the background this is the size of the field she will be playing on. They play 3 on 3, no goalie and they don't keep score (yeah, right!). Seems like a great way to start to me. More photos to come of Soccer Girl!

Alyssa going for a goal . . .

Score - woo hoo!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Drew's Photos

Guess Who? Me and my new do - cut to one length and much needed highlights!

Drew's cat Scooby, he is almost impossible to photograph, always on the move. Funny how the kitties did not make the Blog until Drew started taking photos - hmmmm!

Izzy is our little female kitty. I used to go nuts if one of these kitties even came into the bedroom, now, after seven years, Izzy's second favorite sleeping spot is curled up around her Momma's legs. Her favorite spot is on the Camry in the garage when it's still warm. And yes, I still get weekly allergy shots for these two members of our household.

Drew capturing our girl in one of her many moods :)

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hali's Birthday

We had a great time at Hali's Birthday party on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese's.

Alyssa and Piper on the Roller Coaster Ride.

Alyssa pedalling her way to the roof!

New Link - Charleston Daily Photo

Thanks to the Charleston City Paper's 2009 "Best of" Awards we found a new link that posts a daily Charleston photo. I've posted a link to it on our blog with our Favorite Websites so we can check it frequently. I also found this on there and it made me smile, enjoy . . .

You know you are from Charleston, S.C. if....

The smell of a marsh makes you homesick.

You eat rice with every meal.

You don't understand cities that have to keep electing new mayors.

You've mowed your lawn on Christmas.

You've killed a cockroach with your bare hand.

Unless a cockroach is bigger than your hand, it's just a baby - no big deal.

The construction signs say "Let 'Em Work, Let 'Em Live"

You've seriously considered climbing on top of the Coburg Cow to take a picture.

You have a picture of the Coburg Cow decorated for Christmas.

It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.

You get excited when you see a guy selling boiled peanuts out the back of a pickup.

You know not to pick up the orange "Half Rubbers with flags" that are found in the puddles on downtown streets.

People actually grow and eat okra.

You know exactly when high tide is - even if you don't own a boat.

You've driven over all the Cooper River Bridges.

You have tripped over the bricks downtown.

The SC Aquarium is boring to you because you went there too many times.

You hold the door behind you for the next person.

You know that there is an island near Edisto called "monkey island" and that there are real monkeys on it.

You know not to go down Harbor View Road at 5 o'clock

School is cancelled for it being too cold.

You love going to watch the fireworks on July 4th and New Years.

You know what the washout is.

You break out your warmest winter coat when it gets below 60 degrees.

A robbery or a fire downtown reported on the news is no new thing.

You know what a Piggly Wiggly is and you frequently shop there.

You know that high tide and downtown don’t mix.

You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit is "a little warm."

A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop ... it's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor. For example: "What kinda coke you want?"

Sweet tea is appropriate for all meals.

Oyster Roasts happen every weekend during fall and winter.

You wear sandals in the winter.

You hate it when all of the swings are taken at the Water Front Park.

When the draw bridges are up and you're stuck in traffic you simply think "What a wonderful place to live!"


Posted by Joan Perry; Sidewalk Curator

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lost and Found - Perdia!

This weekend we had the great fortune of FINDING a Christmas present that had been lost from Christmas 2006 - a gift certificate for 82 Queen. Even though it had expired, management was wonderful and told us to come on in, so we did! It was Alyssa's first experience of fine dining in the Holy City. Thanks Uncle Brad and AA! Somehow I keep earning my South American nickname, Perdia. FOOTNOTE: Perdio means "I lost" in Spanish - so when I lost my purse and had to speak to our bus driver over the phone, who spoke NO English, my Spanish was so horrific, Brad fell on the floor he was laughing so hard. I earned the female of "lost," Perdia, and it has stuck ever since. AND yes, it was my fault, I had used the gift certificate as a bookmark in a photography book I was reading at Kiawah, Summer of 2007. Another great thing about Drew taking an interest in photography - he found brunch! So here are a few photos from our wet weekend and dining experience DOWNTOWN . . .

Alyssa, achieving "Rock Star" status with her new shades and chewing gum!

March is coming in like a Lion and the Camellia bush is having it's best year ever.

She and her Daddy went to the Children's Museum while I took in Slumdog Millionaire with my friend, Bonnie.

We made the best of a dreary weekend. They are calling for SNOW tonight - Spring you are welcome anytime!