Saturday, March 27, 2010

"The BEST Day of My Life"

As adults we typically say the BEST day of our life was our wedding day or the day we gave birth to our children, but yesterday was Alyssa's. What did we do? Well, we got up early and she came to work with me. She hid Easter eggs for the children in my class to find, helped my kids color some paper eggs with markers and enjoyed our small, non-catastrophic Easter Party. She spent the three hours bouncing back and forth at our school in different classes, helping out all the teachers, playing on the "Big" playground and alerting us when the eggs we have been watching for more than 20 days were about to hatch. I saw some maturity I usually do not see at home, but where does that bossiness come from? :)

After one last swing on the Tire Swing we headed to the Nail Salon - pedicures for us both. She was a little impatient while we had to wait but LOVED her First Pedicure. She wanted to get her nails done too, but she and I have terrible fingernails, so we're going to wait and do that later this summer.

When we were finally done with our beauty treat we headed home and I swung her as high as I could on one of the neighbors Tree Swings. This is when she said it - many times, "This is the BEST day of my life." Funny how much I used to love swings when I was little too. I couldn't help but to repeat "The Swing" by Robert Louis Stevenson over in my head.

It was a fairly simple day, but one I will always remember because she was so happy, and I was there. Isn't that what parents live for, to see their children happy. Life is good, Spring is here and Alyssa and I have pretty toes!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Girl Scouts

I haven't posted a blog on Girl Scouts yet but being a Daisy Girl Scout and a Daisy Leader has been occupying a significant amount of our time since November. I have taken many photos but do not feel comfortable showing other Daisies besides mine on our Blog. Here are just a few photos that show just how darn cute Daisies really are!
Jenny - my very brave Assistant Leader - we share responsibility for our Troop and meetings. We have 12 girls and meet twice a month. Lately we have been focused on Cookie Sales - yes, Daisies sell cookies too and our Troop of 12 sold more than 2,000 boxes!
Alyssa with her Cookie Form ready to sell those cookies - Drew sold more than anyone!
A Daisy tired of working at her Cookie Booth. I'm also currently having a difficult time with Picasa and Blogger uploading photos - that is limiting Blogs to only 4 photos each. More Girl Scout stuff to come Alyssa and I are both enjoying Daisies and also share the same love for Tagalongs!