We had another busy weekend, in fact we took an extra day to squeeze in even more activities! On Friday we headed to the Lake Murray Lake House to spend some quality time with Nana and Vuvva. The weather was pretty nasty but Alyssa's twin cousins, Emily and Erica, came over to make it a night of FUN! Saturday the weather was great and the ZIP LINE was working so Alyssa played hard! We all went for a boat ride and then got cleaned up for a party for Nancy and Jeffrey who are getting married in October. Alyssa and the twins had a babysitter and tons more fun! We enjoyed some fine Saluda hospitality, awesome food and storytelling by quite a character! Even with a late night we were up early for Church to see Miller get baptized. He was so great for his baptism but the ceremony wore him out. The adults and older children really enjoyed the luncheon at his home while he was napping!
First road Trip in the Camry and in Alyssa's new "Boost"
Friday, August 29, 2008
Another Busy Weekend
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Team Toyota
I thought about titling this post "Out with the Old, In with the New" but in this household we're big on the TEAM concept. So we bought a new car - yay! A 2009 champagne Toyota Camry. It was really hard to let my 1996 Dark Green Honda Accord go, but it was time. As well as being a super cool car (especially in 1996) it was part of the "magic" that Drew and I first shared when we met. He had the same car! Only his was the 1995 version but same color, and everything else just alike. Back then we called ourselves "Team Honda." So now we're back as Team Toyota with 2 gold colored cars - Hannah Highlander and I think were going with Champ, short for champagne! So here's a few photos:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
End of Summer Party
Alyssa's school had an End of Summer Party - we had planned to make it an Alyssa and Momma day but someone had 3 cotton candys along with other "Fair Food" and her tummyache made her not want to do anything but lay on the couch and watch videos! Well, that worked for Momma - ha! Here are some photos from the day:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Boss
They say you always remember your first love - I remember mine! It was in the 1980's and he was much older than I and in a band. Even though my parents hated his music they let me go see him perform in Blue Heaven (Chapel Hill) my Senior Year in High School - Ahhhh! It was after all my dying wish - I was soooo dramatic! The Tunnel of Love Tour - not known as one of the better ones, but I loved every second and sang every word! The Boss came to my town again last night and twenty years just melted away! Well sort of :) Bruce was sliding around the stage and swinging his guitar just like a teenager and he ROCKED the North Charleston Coliseum! Our ears are still ringing this morning! Ha! I couldn't believe all the words I used to know by heart were lost somewhere in the crevices of my brain filled up with other info from the last 20 years - Drew's birth date, Alyssa's current shoe size, when she walked, how long potty training took, etc. I have to admit I felt a little old, but let me tell ya, not as old as some of the people there! Our ears were not the only ones ringing! Even with ringing ears and a throat hoarse from yelling at the top of my lungs, it was true joy that I experienced as I watched my love, my man of so much passion, perform last night. God has been very good to me, my bunch of rowdy friends growing up always said "Anything over 30 is bonus!" I felt the beauty of bonuses last night! God bless you, Bruce Springsteen, thank you for coming to my town last night and singing to me - it was one of the best gifts I have ever received!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Little Mermaid
Monday, August 11, 2008
We went to Church!?!?!?
You never know what you're gonna get with those automatic shots and probably only the unholiest of unholies Blog about going to Church, but for us and our record of attendance over the past four years it really is an historic event! We made it to Sunday School and Church and Alyssa did so great. She did not need her Dada in Mrs. Emily's class and she went off with the masses from Children's Church without screaming and running in terror (our last church experience about eight months ago). We hope to keep this trend up. Alyssa is asking a lot of questions about God and Jesus that Drew and I do not know how to answer. And my Mother's guilt plus the Baptismal guilt was about more than I could handle! So those of you who do pray, say one for us - this is good for us, we need it, and for whatever reason, it has been quite difficult to get there.
Here is another quick shot before Church of Alyssa and her coloring, she is proud of staying inside the lines. Personally, outside of the lines is just fine with me!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Office Picnic
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Busy Weekend!
Well, if this weekend is any indication of how August may go, we are going to be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! We started Saturday off early at the park for a play date with Morgan and a picnic but the heat caught up with us and it was time to head to Splash Zone or "Splish, Splash" as Alyssa likes to call it. By mid-afternoon we had two wet, tired girls so time to go home for naps (yay!).
Sunday morning Alyssa sang at her School Church since they had celebrated Vacation Bible School all week. She wouldn't let me take any photos of her in her cute orange shirt. The service lasted an hour and a half, but Alyssa, Piper and Kailey did super great for four-year olds! We had a nice lunch at Med Bistro and then took a quick nap (Yay!) before heading to the beach.
We joined our Sunday School Class (I use this phrase loosely because for the past few years we have been present more spiritually than physically :) for a late afternoon on the beach.
Super Mom Taryn with Sarah Ellen only 7 weeks old!
Drew and Alyssa "inherited" a nice sand castle - 3 pools!
Alyssa even caught up with her old friend Evy.