You never know what you're gonna get with those automatic shots and probably only the unholiest of unholies Blog about going to Church, but for us and our record of attendance over the past four years it really is an historic event! We made it to Sunday School and Church and Alyssa did so great. She did not need her Dada in Mrs. Emily's class and she went off with the masses from Children's Church without screaming and running in terror (our last church experience about eight months ago). We hope to keep this trend up. Alyssa is asking a lot of questions about God and Jesus that Drew and I do not know how to answer. And my Mother's guilt plus the Baptismal guilt was about more than I could handle! So those of you who do pray, say one for us - this is good for us, we need it, and for whatever reason, it has been quite difficult to get there.
Here is another quick shot before Church of Alyssa and her coloring, she is proud of staying inside the lines. Personally, outside of the lines is just fine with me!
8 months ago
You just never know what to expect with those Andersons... It was as if you were never gone :o)
We love having your smiling faces back.
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