Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monarch Season

Eya and Poppy came for a visit and their most exciting "present" was a container with 6 Monarch Butterfly cocoons. The first two hatched shortly after they left but we are still waiting on the others. Alyssa can throw a good tantrum, like only 4 year olds can do, but when she walks you through the life cycle of a butterfly, I am amazed at how much she knows and has learned from her Eya - the Queen of Butterflies.

Eya and Alyssa checking out the cacoons. We spell cacoon with a "ca" because that's how Alyssa says it, and it's so cute. You know, caterpillar, cacoon, etc.

Wow - two butterflies! The small light green ovals are the other "cacoons" that will hatch soon.

To touch a butterfly - so very cool!

So pretty and so delicate!

Bye, bye butterfly - or maybe that's Adios!
Sometimes Alyssa DOES wear clothes, here she is in full entomologist gear, ready for bug hunting!
Just 'cause I thought it was a neat shot - two Assassin bugs mating (of course, identified by Eya)
Alyssa says, "That's just plain buggy to her!"

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