Well, it's about time I posted this! First there was the time factor, then I had trouble moving the photos around using Blogger. They are still a little out of order but this is the best I can do for now. Here's our trip to Beech mountain and Alyssa's first BIG snow experience!
The first thing Alyssa did when she saw all the snow - make a snow angel, gotta love kids!
After we unloaded the car which was definitely the most grueling experience of our trip, Alyssa wanted to make a snowman. I thought pot head was a great name!
Alyssa's favorite part of the trip was sledding which was FREE. The best things in life . . .
Alyssa all "geared up" for skiing, she was so excited to try something new!
During her private ski lesson she lost her third tooth - the first top one. She totally grossed out her instructor - hee, hee, obviously not a parent!
Our cabin was in the top left corner of this building - it was perfect and the tooth fairy even found it. Perfect for us, but not our FRONT wheel drive Highlander. By the end of our trip we were able to get up the hill/driveway to our condo but it took five men to push us out when we were leaving, whew!
Alyssa trying it - she's UP!
Mr. Ski Beech - we all met our goals. Drew was able to go down the slopes twice, I got up on my skis and did not brake anything and Alyssa tried skiing - we had a successful, memorable and FUN trip. And I don't think I have ever been so glad to get to Morganton!
Why we do anything at all - LOVE this girl!!!