Another year gone by and our little "five pound sack of sugah" has turned one year older. I suppose I should do a thoughtful post about how wonderful you are now and all the things you are doing so when we look back we will remember you as you turned six, but I'm suffering from post-birthday depression. Your BIG day is over, the one you look forward to ALL year and the next celebration in our household will be my trip "over the hill." You are amazing and we love everyday we have with you. YOU are the best gift EVER! Anyway, Mrs. Jerilyn did your Hello Kitty Cake and it was once again awesome! Your hair looks a little funny because you decided to cut it yourself and Mr. Tony said he's not a magician. And your two front teeth are so loose, either or both could come out at any minute.
Best Buds Hali and Piper came and you complained you didn't get to play with them enough at your party. We will have another play date soon, but there's nothing like TRUE friends.
Great Aunt Missy, Vuvva and Nana represented the family this year. We really missed all of our other Family members that could not make it (we ate your cake!).
Piper and Alyssa on the Jett Rider - is this FUN or what?!?
I think this is my favorite shot - wonder what she's thinking?
Another head on with my camera. I still can't believe she's really six. I remember six. If we have any more bad parenting from this point on she WILL remember (gasp!).
Alyssa and Chuck E. Cheese, he's sitting down, but she's so much taller, in just one year, really?!?
Alyssa and some of her birthday friends posing with Chuck - what a great day! I'm still not sure if I'm happy or sad. Kinda just like you were, happy for the most part but sad when it's over. We love you girl, just a little more each day! Thanks for making life worth the roller coaster ride :)
7 months ago
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