Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why? - I have more t-shirts than I will ever need : )

Why I do the crazy things I do, I will probably NEVER know! But today I'm kinda wanting this FREE t-shirt, even though I know I have more t-shirts than I will EVER need. Maybe it will be added to my t-shirt Quilt, one day. Just speaking a little LOUD these days and trying real hard not to apologize for it. Anyway - CHEERS!

From Thinking Teacher's Newsletter - Teachers First - sharing with all the amazing Teachers/Parents/Adults I know - thanks! : ) Hey, y'all better not get my free t-shirt - jk! : )

"Show the world that you're a Thinking Teacher!"

"In these days of teacher bashing, it is even more important to show the world your pride in the profession. TeachersFirst watches what people say about us on blogs and tweets. Soon, we will be surprising random teachers who spread the word about TeachersFirst with a shirt to tell the world YOU are a Thinking Teacher. If you have a blog or web page, write a post about TeachersFirst. Tweet to tell people what the Thinking Teachers do well. Share TeachersFirst on Facebook. Stay tuned for more details on how you can proudly "wear" your profession for all to see."

Ooops - a Blog without a photo - Lookout! : )

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